Puto kalamay
hi! so happy to see you here!
LineartHeadshot - P500/$10
Bust up - P800/$15
Half body - P1000/$18
Full body - P1100/$20
Additional Characters - P500/$10per head
Flat ColorsHeadshot - P800/$15
Bust up - P1100/$20
Half body - P1400/$25
Full body - P1600/$30
Additional Characters - P700/$13per head
Fully ShadedHeadshot - P1100/$20
Bust up - P1400/$25
Half body - P1600/$30
Full body - P1900/$35
Additional Characters - P800/$15 per head
chibihalf body - P500/$10
full body - P800/$15
YCH (Your Character Here)
2 girls 1 icecream


Couple PFP Hand Gesture

Big booba ych

thigh choke

emotes1 emote - P500/$10
5 emote package - P1400/$25
l2d model - P3700/$65includes 3 expressions
Half body only
commercial use
ready to rigadditional expression - P500/$10
Reactive image/pngtuber modelhalf body - P1600/$30
Full body - P1900/$352 expressions - close and open mouth or expression of your choice